We aim to build and maintain supportive communities of vegan(-minded) students, to bring veganism to the attention of students as an effective means of helping animals and the planet, and to create a facilitating environment with the purpose of making veganism easier, more enjoyable and affordable. We plan to achieve these goals through the following means:
Animal Ethics
Although we support all different reasons for people to live a more vegan lifestyle, veganism is first and foremost about the animals. We aspire to promote the well-being and interests of all sentient beings and try to raise awareness about the ways in which animals are being exploited.
We want to avoid all exploitation and cruelty towards animals, which includes humans. As such we reject any form of discrimination in the strongest possible terms and are committed to avoid reinforcing oppression of marginalized groups. We are open and welcoming to members of any biological sex, gender identity, sexual identity, age, race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, cultural heritage, regional origin, physical and mental abilities and disabilities.