Meet the boardmembers “Aubergine” of 2024/2025




Inspired by a close friend, I joined VSA Leiden to help build a supportive and vibrant vegan community. As president, I oversee the association’s operations and chair the General Assembly. Outside of the VSA, I enjoy spending time with my cat, saving my plants, and chilling at the beach. I look forward to fostering connections and enjoying great experiences together!




I joined VSA Leiden to meet more people interested in veganism and found a very warm community. As secretary, I take care of the member administration and write minutes during meetings. In my free time, I love reading, trying out new recipes, and being active outside or in the gym. I am so excited to help with keeping VSA Leiden the beautiful association that it is! And grow to be.




Enthusiastic about vegan food, I joined VSA Leiden to connect with people with similar interests. As treasurer, I take care of our finances. In my role as media coördinator, I share recaps, partner spotlights, and recommendations. Besides my passion for cooking, I enjoy going on adventures and capturing them with my camera. I can’t wait to contribute to this wonderful association!